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Натискаючи "Оформити", я даю дозвіл на обробку персональних даних
Beauty bank. Deposit with fixing the price of procedures
No matter how many cosmetologists were before us
We'll start with a 3-level skin diagnosis anyway. And the first stage is online testing


Yulia Tytarenko Aesthetic Cosmetology Studio
Because Beauty is a real French aesthetic cosmetology studio!

Everything according to the highest European class and with the most real Slavic sincerity!

We are experts of leading premium brands. In our arsenal and at your disposal are the bestsellers of the European cosmetics market.
Yulia Tytarenko
founder and head of the aesthetic cosmetology studio
Professional Spanish cosmetics for face and body skin care
Bestseller Black Friday (-20%)

Because Beauty Club

Косметика та домашній догляд Skeyndor

Your beautician in Kharkov

We work exclusively on European premium brands. We always openly and proudly demonstrate the means! We explain each action and each ingredient.
We never save! There is a procedure protocol, there is a recommended amount! More is possible, never less!
We work only with healthy skin! We do not risk our health, let alone the health of our guests! We are happy to recommend related professionals. We respect and share directions!
All disposable, new, sterile! Only spring water! Towels only white! Dishes are just beautiful! Safety and aesthetics in every detail.
We always welcome new guests, but we have infinite respect for regular ones! So be sure we will ALWAYS find time for you! Administrators know this and this is not discussed!
We have a fixed price for the procedure. The cosmetologist in the process can add funds at his discretion. This will not affect the price of the procedure.
Beauty bank
Because Beauty Blog

Exclusively aesthetic cosmetology - this means that in our work we do NOT use injection techniques! We DO NOT prick!
We work cleanings, peelings, massages, hardware techniques and care programs. And we do it the best! We guarantee the result and bear responsibility! We have the best protocols and the best cosmetics! We have experience and satisfied customers!
Come and see! We are always open

Your beautician, Kharkiv ❤️